When the Water Blushed, 2015-2021

Solo Project When the Water Blushed at Osisun, Seoul

When the Water Blushed is a publishing project presented in 2021 at Osisun, Seoul, drawing from my 2015 master’s dissertation, DIONYSIA: The True Story of My Relationship with My Body. Structured as an autobiographical journey, the work navigates the origins and evolution of my engagement with BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Masochism), tracing its trajectory from childhood to the present. Interwoven with personal anecdotes and intimate encounters, it expands into psychoanalysis, Christianity, and contemporary art, exploring the intricate entanglement of the body, desire, and the dynamics of submission. Through this work, I seek to unearth the tensions between power and surrender, suffering and transcendence, positioning submission not as pathology but as a ritual of becoming.

Author †  Huh, Need-you (aka Dew Kim)
Proofreading † Michael Scott
Graphic Design † Downleit
Host † Osisun
Sponcers † Beyond the Rainbow Foundation, IVAN CITY, SFAC and Seoul Metropolitan Government
Publisher † Huh, Need-you (aka Dew Kim)

Expanding As It Breaks, 2021, digital print on clear adhesive vinyl sheets, 225x171

I Want to Feel Your Prayers Hard, 2021, anal plug plastic case, silicone, metal piercings, metal chain. 200x150x70

When the Water Blushed, 2015-2021, autobiographical book

Chained to the Glory, 2021, a prayer chair, imitation leather, handcuffs, ankle cuffs, metal chain, LED lighting

Crucifix Series, 2021, mixed media with stained glass, laser cut stainless steel, leather, a chastity cage, egg topper, a crucifix (found object) and silicone

Photo by Seungwook Yang