When the Water Blushed, 2015-2021
Solo Project When the Water Blushed at Osisun, Seoul
Author † Huh, Need-you (aka Dew Kim)
Proofreading † Michael Scott
Graphic Design † Downleit
Host † Osisun
Sponcers † Beyond the Rainbow Foundation, IVAN CITY, SFAC and Seoul Metropolitan Government
Publisher † Huh, Need-you (aka Dew Kim)
Expanding As It Breaks, 2021, digital print on clear adhesive vinyl sheets, 225x171
I Want to Feel Your Prayers Hard, 2021, anal plug plastic case, silicone, metal piercings, metal chain. 200x150x70
When the Water Blushed, 2015-2021, autobiographical book
Chained to the Glory, 2021, a prayer chair, imitation leather, handcuffs, ankle cuffs, metal chain, LED lighting
Photo by Seungwook Yang