Purple Kiss ♡, 2018

Supported by Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture
Exhibited at Archive Bomm, Seoul, Korea, 2018

내가 조금 더 설렐 수 있게 ♡ Purple Kiss, 2018, single channel video (03'56”). 

Why Did Lucifer Become Mortal Venus?, 2018, digital print on adhesive sheets.

Lunacide, 2018, laser cutting on sheet iron.

This Time You've Chosen A Fascinating Victim, 2018, a tray cart, a microscope, toys.

Bang!, 2018, iron, digital printing on polyurethane synthetic fiber, a gong stick.

Love-in, 2018, plaster casting, silicone tubes, horse pipes, polyurethane synthetic fiber, a led panel light.

243 Days, 2018, silicone, an earring.

Singing In The Purple Rain, 2018, digital printing on polyurethane synthetic fiber. Collaborate with Miyoun Kim & Jae Yoon Lim.

Two Spirits, 2018, laser cutting acrylic sheets with a led light, experiment equipments, toys.

내가 조금 더 설렐 수 있게 ♡ Purple Kiss, 2018, single channel video (03'56”). 

225 Days, 2018, a stainless steel ring, silicone tubes, an earring.

Photo by Jungwoo Lee

Purple Kiss ♡ explores the process of how homo sapiens evolve into posthumans through shamanism. The future of mankind depends on a shaman, known as HornyHoneydew, who has undergone extensive spiritual preparation for a ceremony that will transform humanity. On the appointed day when Venus shines brightest in the sky, the shaman  performs a ceremony to transfer souls into the bodies of a new human race. Homo sapiens, who are struggling to survive on a dying Earth that is increasingly similar to the toxic atmosphere of the planet Venus,  dream of prosperity again by mutating into posthumans.

Through gender, sexuality, religion and science, Dew Kim speculates about what it is to be posthuman.  By evoking the sound and look of a K-pop video, Purple Kiss ♡ is a critical examination of dualistic heteronormative ideas that dominate Korean culture and society. Kim deploys shamanism in order to champion expanded notions of non-binary genders like that of the Two-spirit concept found in indigenous North American communities. / written by Dew Kim

︎‘Bling-Bling Stains Where Destruction Was Destroyed’ by Nam Woong (Art Critic), Critic, 2018

<내가 조금 더 설렐 수 있게 ♡ Purple Kiss>에서는 호모 사피엔스가 샤머니즘을 통해 포스트 휴먼으로 진화하는 과정을 소개한다. 인류의 미래는 HornyHoneydew라고 알려진 샤먼에게 달려있다. 샤먼은 이 순간을 위해 혹독한 트레이닝을 견뎌 왔다. 마침내 샤먼은 금성이 가장 밝게 뜨는 날 허물을 벗은 새로운 인류에게 영혼을 불어넣는 의식을 진행한다. 점차 금성과 같이 변하고 있는 지구에서 살기 어려워진 호모 사피엔스는 이러한 포스트 휴먼으로의 진화를 통해 또다시 번영을 꿈꾸고 있다.

작가는 포스트 휴머니즘을 젠더, 섹슈얼리티, 종교와 과학을 통해 시각화한다. <내가 조금 더 설렐 수 있게 ♡ Purple Kiss>는 K-pop 뮤직비디오를 통해 한국 문화와 사회를 지배하는 이원론적인 이성애 규범적 사고에 대해 비판한다. 작가는 샤머니즘에서 찾을 수 있는 Two sprits, Multiple gender와 같은 논 바이너리의 확장된 젠더의 개념을 제시한다.

︎ ‘파괴를 파괴한 자리 벅차오르는 블링블링 얼룩’ by 남웅 (미술비평), Review, 2018