Dear Fear, 2020
Solo Exhibition Dear Fear at out_sight, Seoul
Installation view of Dear Fear, solo exhibition at out_sight, Seoul
The solo exhibition Dear Fear delved into the theme of "fear," exploring it through the lenses of power, psychoanalysis, the body, literature, and art. The exhibition examined how fear is connected to power and how it influences both the body and the mind. This project builds upon my 2015 master's dissertation, DIONYSIA: The True Story of My Relationship with My Body, expanding on personal narratives and research into masochistic tendencies. In particular, I analysed how masochism transforms fear and pain into pleasure and play, investigating the objectification of the body and the concept of the "body without organs." The exhibition also examined how the body transcends fixed subjectivity to reach a state of constant transformation. Through this process, I sought to highlight the fluidity of fear and power while deconstructing traditional notions of humanity by exploring the deterritorialisation of the body.
How to Become a True Post-Human, 2020, stainless steel, single channel video, 04'50"
Link: Use of The Body, 2020, stainless steel, styrofoam, resin, silicone, LED lighting, dimensions variable
The Object, 2020, latex sheet, stainless steel, vacuum machine, 220x100x130cm
Ceremony, 2020, automotive headlamps, speakers, human body detector, sound work, 08'20", dimensions variable