Exhibition Retrograde, Galerie Du Monde, Hong Kong
Locked Up for the Future, 2022,  single channel video, 01’00” (loop)
DEEPSPACE EXODUS explores the possibility of transcending gender binaries and fixed subjectivities through the reinterpretation of BDSM culture and the body. The project originates from an observation of BDSM online communities, where members share experiences of enhancing anal sensitivity through chastity training. In this work, the body is conceptualised as a tube with two orifices—mouth and anus—shifting the centre of pleasure from the genitals to the anus in pursuit of a new subjectivity. This process critiques societal conventions surrounding gender, identity, and power structures, proposing the anus as a black hole that dissolves gender boundaries. Through the deterritorialisation of the body and the discovery of new pleasures, the work reimagines conventional notions of humanity, embodiment, and identity. By reconstructing sensory experiences, it maps new territories of pleasure and desire, exploring the potential of becoming a living, pansexual being.

Installation view Retrograde at Galerie du Monde, Hong Kong

How to Become a True Post-Human, 2022,  single channel video, 05’04”

Installation view at Dolce & Gabbana, Seoul